Méditation – EN



« While the Spirit is free, All is free around you. » Koan

I propose you courses and evenings :


An inside trip of 1 – 1:15 hour.
You can join the course at any time of the year. Here is the description :

After a warm-up, we will begin active meditation, in music.
Alternatively, we will do the so-called « Four Directions » or « in motion » meditation.

– MEDITATION OF THE FOUR DIRECTIONS : It is based on the space of the heart, the exploration of balance and imbalance. It is a symbolic meditation where we give and receive.

– MEDITATION IN MOTION : It is a very ancient method of healing. It takes place in 4 parts and unites meditation and movement. It can be done on all styles of music.

– BENEFITS : letting go, lowering the sound level of mental hubbub (thoughts, ideas, pictures, concepts, barriers), distancing of emotions, development of the state of presence, calmer understanding of everyday life, relaxation, relief.

The session will continue with learning self-massages, before finishing with stretching.
This is a practice that stimulates microcirculation and also optimizes cellular exchanges and facilitate digestion. It offers significant benefits to the body and mind : relaxation, stimulation and relief.

Please bring flexible and comfortable clothing.
If possible, please bring a comfortable cushion, (preferably a meditation one).


Times : every Monday from 12:30 to 13:30, every Monday from 18.30 to 19.30 and every Tuesday from 19:00 to 20:00 (except during school holidays).
A summer course will be held at Beauregard and / or Gayeulles park according to request.

Location : Curly’s Bloom, 29 rue de Léon – 35000 Rennes


They are organised on Satudays from 19:00 to 22:00 once a month.Here is the programme : Meditation in motion, guided (by myself), sung…with the learning of mantras, followed by self-massages (on the whole body, with then a focus on the belly and feet). If the group is willing to, massage techniques (the dressed ones ) by 2 will be presented.

These evenings are open to everybody, they enable to discover other ways of meditating and to develop what is learnt during the courses.

Location :
Espace des 2 rives 4 allée Georges Palante – 35000 Rennes (underground parking at your disposal)

PLACES ARE LIMITED. Booking by phone is compulsory.

Rates availabled in Contact & Info

Meditation in motion can be done on all styles of music :

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