Relaxation – EN



« Words need gestures to touch the human heart. » Anne Hébert

These manual practices are moments for ourselves, they rebalance the body and mind.

Here is the list of the different available practices :

Manual techniques, dressed, on a futon
  • Korean relaxation :

It is an ancestral relaxation technique. Tonic, fresh, smooth and vibrant, it surprises the body and invites one to let go and disconnect the mind. It provides deep relaxation and a reappropriation of one’s body.
It is practiced dressed on a futon.

  • Face and body Shiatsu :

Shi means « fingers » and Atsu « pressure ». This massage stimulates the natural defenses of the body.

By performing a series of pressure with the thumbs, the practitioner reduces various aches and tensions. The person then feels a noticeable physical and emotional improvement.
The action of Shiatsu improves flexibility of muscle tissue, supports the smooth functioning of the nervous system and stimulates the circulation of blood and lymph.

Shiatsu is primarily a health practice. Recognized as official medicine in Japan, Shiatsu is to restore the body’s smooth vital flow, known generically as « energy. » It is one of eight alternative approaches recognized as a « worthwhile unconventional medicine » by a European Parliament resolution passed on May 29, 1997 at the instigation of Paul Lannoye, European Belgian MP.

Massages on a table

For true well-being and out of respect for the practitioner, your body must be clean.

  • The Californian massage :

This is a technique in itself, a great western classic !
Depending on whether you want pampering, regain energy, or unwind your stress, this massage will delight you, especially if you enjoy massages of the back, face and hands !

Ethics : All massages are unambigously non-medical and non-erotic or sexual. The proposed massage techniques give well-being through physical relaxation and they are not acts of physiotherapy.

Any appointment taken and not canceled within 24 hours will have to be paid


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