» Exchange, human being and health have always been at the heart of my concerns. Keen on Chinese energy, I have been interested since 2007 in various techniques of well-being. Feldenkrais Method, relaxation therapy, Qi Gong, Tai Chi chuan, yoga, energy dance, meditation … and I have been trained in healing practices, on my free time. The positive feedback on the massages & treatments I have performed on my family & friends have led me to make this passion my job. « Audrey Belloir in portage with Aegid – SARL capital of 20 000 € – Siret 478 586 324 0003 8 – RCS Evry – APE 7022Z Training:
Contact form{loadformmaker 10} Where to find me ?The courses : Active meditation and learning self-massages take place every Monday from 12:30 to 13:30, every Monday from 18.30 to 19.30 and every Tuesday from 19:00 to 20:00 (except during school holidays). Location : The evenings : One Saturday by month. Dates available at the request. Location : The massages and treatments : They are available in Rennes :
29 rue de Léon 35000 Rennes
Les Jardins d’Aurélie
Some services are available at a distance, via Skype, such as Energy Healing and Active listening & Keys to better comunicate. Prices Any appointment organised and not canceled within 24 hours will have to be paid.Active meditation and self-massaging Courses : €75 per quarter or €180 per year / €6 per course. Evenings : €28 for a 3-hour lesson. Places are limited. Compulsory booking by phone, to confirm by a cheque sent by post. Body care : € 60 Well-being package : Ethics : All massages are unambigously non-medical and non-erotic or sexual. The proposed massage techniques give well-being through physical relaxation and they are not acts of physiotherapy. Any appointment taken and not canceled within 24 hours will have to be paid Energy healing : € 60 Active Listening & keys to better communicate : €60 Bio-colloidal silver : Sprays 250ml: €16,90 / bottles (1 litre) : € 29.90 / bottles (500 ml): €19,90
Thank you : |
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